HVAC Training
Building Systems, Construction, and Manufacturing
Scrap For Scholarships Program:
- A Focused Effort To Recycle Scrap From System Change Outs
- Scraps For Scholarship Donation Centers
- Calls For Pick Up Of Donated Scrap
- Provides Help For Those Less Fortunate
- Helps To Avoid Student Loan Payments
- Helps Ava To Be Able To Offer Full Or Partial Course Funding
- Help To Serves Our Community
The future of the HVAC industry as well as other trade professions is perhaps facing some of it’s greatest challenges of all time. One of these challenges is acquiring the resources needed to provide the training and development of qualified service technicians for both current and future demands. At American Vocational Academy we believe that a good portion of what is needed to resources this training is right under our noses.
Can you imagine using the scrap that is typically discarded from system change outs as waste material being used towards the education of future trades professionals? We can and at AVA we have developed a program that not only assist contractors in ridding them of old scrap junk HVAC equipment from job sites, cluttered stock yards, and the back of utility vehicles by turning that scrap into scholarship dollars. The program is called Scraps for Scholarships and it helps to provide opportunity for people who are considering entering into the trades industry a stepping stone allowing them access to full or partial scholar-ship funding.