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University of Illinois - Springfield
Twin Falls, ID
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- Business Administration
- Computer Science
- Healthcare Informatics-Concentration in Management Information Systems
- Child Advocacy Studies
- English as a Second Language
- English, Teacher Education
- Learning Behavior Specialist
- Teacher Education
- English
- History
- Liberal Studies
- Philosophy
- Psychology
- Mathematics
Business Administration
Business & ManagementThe Business Administration Comprehensive option is designed for students who are interested in developing a broad-based education of the business enterprise through advanced study in the business functional areas such as finance, management, marketing, and operations management.
The BBA Management Concentration option allows students to develop the critical, conceptual, and interpersonal skills that are essential to employment in management positions in all types of organizations.
Computer Science
Computers & TechnologyComputer science is one of the most expansive, innovative, and adaptive areas of knowledge today. Here at the University of Illinois Springfield, our Department of Computer Science prepares students for challenging careers as professionals in the public and private sectors. Our program offers a bachelor of science and a master of science in the field of computer science. As of Fall 2014 we also offer a bachelor of science in information systems security. The Computer Science BS, Information Systems Security BS and the Computer Science MS degrees are all offered both on campus and online.
Healthcare Informatics-Concentration in Management Information Systems
Computers & TechnologyThe degree provides students with skills in both business and management information systems, which sets one apart from having simply a traditional foundation in computer science. The degree-holder is in a key position to provide solutions so that present companies, non-profit organizations, and government agencies, may achieve their goals. Students in the program gain expertise from a holistic business perspective, rather than a micro-level or a science perspective.Students are able to combine their knowledge of computing and organizations to bridge the gap between technical and business specialists. Not surprisingly, M.I.S. professionals are often part of the leadership team, advising CEOs, COOs, and CFOs.
Child Advocacy Studies
Education & TeachingThe University of Illinois Springfield Child Advocacy Studies (CAST) program is designed to educate the next generation of mandated reporters as well as those professionals already working in the child welfare field.
English as a Second Language
Education & TeachingServing Diverse Students The ESL program prepares educational leaders to meet the needs of diverse non-English speaking students in K-12 classrooms.
Endorsement The ESL certificate program is approved by the Illinois State Board of Education and graduates are eligible to apply for an English as a Second Language Endorsement to be added to their active Illinois teaching license.
Graduate degree opportunity Combine the graduate certificate with an additional 20 credit hours of required course work to fulfill requirements for a Master of Arts in Education degree.
English, Teacher Education
Education & TeachingThe K-12 Educational Technology Specialist endorsement is designed for practicing teachers and administration who are interested in learning more about integrating digital technologies into classroom teaching and learning. The six courses cover the knowledge and skills required for an ISBE Technology Specialist Endorsement which qualifies those who hold it for building and/or district level technology coordinator positions. A total of six courses, as well as passing the ISBE Technology Specialist (178) test are required if you are seeking the ISBE endorsement.
Learning Behavior Specialist
Education & TeachingThe Learning Behavior Specialist 1 (LBS1) endorsement is sought after by PK-12 teachers for the purpose of gaining an additional endorsement to be qualified to teach in a special education setting. The course titles and descriptions have been approved by the Illinois State Board of Education. The student populations with which they will be endorsed to work are diagnosed with specific learning disabilities, social emotional disorders, mental retardation, physically handicapped, autism, and traumatic brain injury. Each course may be taken for elective credit in the Masters of Education degree program.
Teacher Education
Education & TeachingThe Department of Teacher Education at UIS offers licensure programs in the following areas:
- Elementary Grades 1-6
- Secondary English Grades 9-12
- Secondary Mathematics Grades 9-12
- Secondary Biology Grades 9-12
- Secondary Chemistry Grades 9-12
- Secondary History Grades 9-12
- Secondary Political Science Grades 9-12
- Secondary Sociology/Anthropology Grades 9-12
Liberal Arts & CommunicationThe B.A. in English prepares students for a life appreciating the power and beauty of language. It also prepares students for a variety of careers in many sectors, including Education, Business, Law, and Healthcare, through a focus on creative, cultural, and critical thinking skills. When an English major graduates, (s)he has the skills and opportunities to excel in almost any field.
Liberal Arts & CommunicationThe history department helps students understand themselves and the world in which they live by exploring the links between the past and the contemporary world.
The department encourages students to compare elements of their own culture with those of other cultures from other time periods. Students of history gain a sense of what is unique in—as well as generally characteristic of—individuals, groups, and national cultures in the present as well as the past.
Liberal Studies
Liberal Arts & CommunicationThrough careful self-assessment and goal-setting, Liberal Studies students design individual degree plans in consultation with their advisor/instructor in LIS 301 where students identify learning needs and strategies for meeting those needs. Students pursue their degree through course work selected from throughout the university as well as independent studies, service learning, and credit for prior learning. In order to plan a balanced degree, students choose electives that address the following seven broad subject categories: identity, work, nature, institutions, language, heritage, and art.
Although degree plans must be broad enough to meet the interdisciplinary goals of the degree, students may choose a thematic focus for their degrees, such as international studies or human resource development. In addition, students may have a minor such as African-American Studies, Business, Liberty Studies, Philosophy, or Women and Gender Studies. Online students should be aware that not all of the areas available to students taking classes on campus are available online.
Liberal Arts & CommunicationThe Philosophy Department at UIS strives to be a national leader in offering advanced undergraduate education online while serving the entire UIS student population, undergraduate and graduate. The curriculum focuses on the areas of core analytic philosophy (metaphysics, epistemology, and related areas) and values (ethics, aesthetics, and political philosophy) while providing a sound background in the history of philosophy.
The objectives of the Philosophy major include providing students with basic knowledge in the main areas of philosophy (theory of knowledge, values, and history of philosophy); increasing their awareness of ethical issues; improving their analytical skills; and assisting them in developing problem-solving experience in at least one of the main areas of philosophy.
Psychology & CounselingIdeally, a major in psychology provides students with the fundamental liberal arts perspective and basic psychological understandings appropriate for many entry-level positions in business, government, industry, and education.
Nearly half of psychology majors go on to earn advanced degrees and become researchers, clinical psychologists, counselors, case managers, administrators, grant coordinators, probation officers, and more.
Science & EngineeringThe B.A. in Mathematical Sciences is designed to prepare students for careers using mathematics, operations research, and statistics in the fields of teaching, research, industry, insurance, and management or for graduate study in mathematical sciences or related areas.
Campus Location
Twin Falls, ID 83301
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