Divers Academy International holds national accreditation with the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC) as well as numerous national industry technical and diving organizations.
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Divers Academy International
Divers Academy International® was founded in 1977 with a focus on quality education and safety training while meeting the demand for commercial divers in the offshore oil industry, as well as inland harbors and international rivers. As the commercial dive industry evolved, they have expanded and advanced their curriculums, certifications, facilities, technology, and faculty to stay ahead of current industry trends. They were the first diving school to offer Underwater Bridge Inspection programs, Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) operation programs, and Underwater Non-destructive Testing programs. Classes available on campus only. Financial aid available to those who qualify.
Learn more at the Divers Academy International website.
Campus Location
Erial, New Jersey
1500 Liberty
Erial, NJ 08081
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