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Liberal Arts, Humanities, and Literature Careers

Liberal Arts, Humanities & Literature Careers

This article contains information about liberal arts, humanities, and literature degrees. These degrees can lead to a variety of career paths some might not be aware of. These can include: copywriting, journalism, human resources, business and finance, social media management, social work, design careers, and many more.

Read on to learn more about liberal arts programs, and to find links to apply to schools with these programs near you.


Anthropologists study humankind: specifically in relation to our evolutionary origins, culture, diversity, and social patterns across the world throughout time. How humans behave, communicate, adapt, and socialize with their surroundings is examined. A degree in anthropology can lead to a career in archeology, politics, teaching, social work, etc. Read more: Becoming an Anthropologist

Find an anthropology program now.

Area Studies

Area studies is the in-depth study of a particular political or geographical region that includes its history, geography, language, and other important details. The degree allows you to narrow your focus on regions specific to certain areas and cultures. Some careers in area studies can involve political science, economics, geography, and cultural studies.

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Economics is the social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods, services, and of course, finance. Economics focuses on the behavior and interactions of economic agents, monetary patterns and trends, investments, stocks, and more. A degree in economics can lead to careers such as finance management, finance, market research, and more.

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Ethnic Studies

Ethnic studies is an interdisciplinary study of race, ethnicity, and indigenous people, with a focus on the experiences and perspectives of people of color. Learn to analyze the ways in which race and racism have been, and continue to be, powerful social, cultural, and political obstacles for people; and where social responsibility and understanding can take future generations. Study the connections between race, gender, class, sexuality, and legal status. A degree in ethnic studies can lead to a career in law, business, or social work, to name a few.

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Foreign Language

A foreign language program focuses on linguistic skills, literary appreciation, and understanding people and their culture. You’ll pick a specific language (Chinese, German, Spanish, etc.) and develop a general knowledge of traditional liberal arts, while developing an in-depth knowledge of the language you study. A degree in foreign language can lead to a career as a translator/interpreter, travel agent, flight attendant, and human resources.

Find a foreign language program now.

General Study

A general studies program offers students the opportunity to explore their interests while also preparing them for a variety of careers in different areas. Earning a degree in general studies will prepare you for jobs in many areas. These may be careers focused on non-profits and human services, management, medial marketing, entertainment, and even some governmental positions.

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Generally, geography is divided into two disciplines. Human geography studies people, places, and cultures. Whereas physical geography focuses on the natural environments/climates of areas. Careers in geography will vary based on which geography degree you receive. Human geography degrees may prepare you for careers involving community planning, mapping and data analysis, and certain non-profits. Degrees in physical geography could lead to careers in data science, geospatial analysis, and market research.

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History programs generally include a comprehensive liberal arts education with a focus on the connections between ancient civilizations, past societies, and modern society. Different centuries will be studied (some more in depth than others depending on any specializations), and socio-cultural events will be analyzed. A degree in history can lead to careers in teaching, museum direction, and writing.

Find a history degree program now.

Liberal Arts

The disciplines studied in a liberal arts program include the study of history, literature, writing, sociology, psychology, economics, sciences, and more. Liberal arts is diverse and can lead to many career opportunities. The careers you can get with a liberal arts degree span from law, to advertising and marketing, teaching, and different management positions. Read more at What is a Liberal Arts Degree (and What Can You do with It)?

Find a liberal arts degree program now.

Library Science

A library science program helps students gain expertise in collecting, organizing, storing, and retrieving the world’s recorded knowledge. There will be an emphasis on the development of evidence-based practices in information management. After graduation, students will be prepared for careers focused in academic libraries, archiving special collections and records, library management, data curation, database administration, legal sciences, and others.

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Majoring in linguistics will give you a comprehensive understanding of human language, including phonetics, words, syntax, and meanings. There are dozens of different career fields you can enter once you have a bachelor’s degree in linguistics. Getting certain specializations in linguistics can help you gain more career advancement opportunities in the future. Careers you can pursue with a linguistics degree may be American sign language, audiology, information research, cryptologic linguistics, forensic linguist, and others. More reading: Learn If A Career In Linguistics Is Right For You.

Find a linguistics degree program now.


A philosophy degree program provides an excellent preparation for law school or other professional programs. A philosophy degree provides students with extensive critical thinking skills and problem solving strategies. Some jobs that philosophy majors may decide to pursue include business, law, or counseling, to name a few.

Find a philosophy degree program now.

Political Science

During a political science degree program, students learn critical reasoning, analytical, and thinking skills through coursework in topics such as government, politics, international relations, political theory, policy, and others. Some careers your political science degree may lead to include policy analyst, political consultant, legislative assistant, campaign staff, political scientist, or historian.

Find a political science degree program.


An education in psychology prepares you for careers in counseling and closely-related fields. You can also apply your knowledge and skills in areas like human services, healthcare, education, management, and law. You may also choose to focus on a specialization. To become a psychologist, you will need to further your education by earning a doctorate degree. More reading at how to become a psychologist.

Find a psychology degree program now.

Religious Studies

Religious studies programs focus on religious beliefs, behaviors, and institutions. Learn to describe, compare, interpret, and explain religion, with an emphasis on a systematic, historically-based, cross-cultural perspective. Religious studies degrees can prepare you for careers involving religious teaching within different churches/synagogues, museum curator, and more.

Find a religious studies program now.

Social Sciences

Some academic departments of the social sciences include anthropology, economics, history, political science, psychology, comparative human development, and sociology — many have been explored in this article. The purpose of a social sciences degree is to study human behavior on these various levels. Some careers you can get with social science degrees include educators, court employees, and social workers.

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A sociology degree will help the student develop and deepen their understanding of human behavior, social groups, and society. Learn about society's historical, economic, and political issues to solve real-world problems. After earning a sociology degree, the student will be prepared for entry-level positions in fields such as social services, conflict resolution, criminal justice, or journalism. Jobs titles may include community health organizer, social service caseworker, health policy lobbyist, public health educator, or consumer advocate.

Find a sociology degree program.

Of course, these are just some of the many career paths you open yourself up to with a degree in liberal arts, humanities, and literature. There are many options to explore, and we recommend learning about as many as you can if you're undecided with what you'd like to do after graduation.