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Skilled Trade & Tech Jobs That Pay Over $30/hr (2018 data)

Skilled Trade & Tech Jobs That Pay Over $30/hr

This article contains a list of high-paying jobs that you can prepare for at a local trade school or tech college. These associate degree or diploma programs normally take about 2 years to complete, but some are shorter, and some may take up to 4 years.

High-Paying Skilled Trade & Tech Jobs

There are quite a few different types of trade school or technical college programs that can lead to high-paying jobs, with salaries close to or over $30.00 per hour. You'll find the jobs in medical, information technology, skilled trades, and construction on this list. The salaries noted are the averages for that field. Very experienced individuals can make more than noted here, while entry level positions will pay less.

Over $30 Per Hour On Average

You can find the following types of programs at local trade schools and technical colleges.

Close To $30 Per Hour On Average

These jobs were close enough to $30.00 per hour to include in this article. After gaining experience, individuals working in these fields will make more than $30/hr, but entry level and median level workers generally do not.

  • Dietitian – $60,370 per year or $29.02 per hour on average to educate people on what is and isn’t healthy for their individual lifestyle or health condition. Find a dietitian program now, or learn a little more about what a dietitian does.
  • Electrician – $55,190 per year or $26.53 per hour on average to install electrical wiring in new homes and businesses or figure out electrical issues in existing structures and fix them to local code. Find an electrician training program now.
  • Wind Energy Technician – $54,370 per year or $26.14 per hour on average to install, maintain, and repair wind turbines. Learn more about what a wind turbine technician does.

Average salaries taken form the official BLS website with 2018 data. For updated statistics on careers, visit

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