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Law Enforcement Schools in or near Tennessee

List of colleges with police officer programs in Tennessee. Find a school near you and get information about programs, campus locations, financial aid, and much more.

Take college classes and learn to respond to calls of both emergency and non-emergency nature, patrol your "beat," enforce warrants, make arrests, write tickets, appear in court, and more.

Read: Becoming a Police Officer

Use the school search application to find Tennessee police officer training classes.

Cleveland State Community College

3535 Adkisson Drive
Cleveland, TN

Columbia State Community College

1665 Hampshire Pike
Columbia, TN

Dyersburg State Community College

1510 Lake Rd
Dyersburg, TN

Nashville State Community College

120 White Bridge Rd
Nashville, TN

Northeast State Community College

2425 Hwy 75
Blountville, TN

Roane State Community College

276 Patton Lane
Harriman, TN

Southwest Tennessee Community College

737 Union Avenue
Memphis, TN

Volunteer State Community College

1480 Nashville Pike
Gallatin, TN

Walters State Community College

500 South Davy Crockett Parkway
Morristown, TN