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Marketing Degree Programs in or near Grand Rapids, MI

Explore colleges with marketing degree programs near Grand Rapids, MI. Find a school and get information about local and online marketing degree programs, Grand Rapids college campus locations, financial aid, and more.

A degree in marketing can lead to a high-paying career in a competitive and growing field. A bachelor's degree is usually required for an entry-level position. Use the search application to find a marketing degree course near Grand Rapids.

Read: Business Career Options

More Marketing & Advertising schools in Grand Rapids, MI

Grand Rapids Community College

143 Bostwick Ave NE
Grand Rapids, MI

Kuyper College

3333 East Beltline Ave NE
Grand Rapids, MI

Cornerstone University

1001 E Beltline Ave NE
Grand Rapids, MI

Grand Valley State University

1 Campus Dr
Allendale, MI

Muskegon Community College

221 S Quarterline Rd
Muskegon, MI

Montcalm Community College

2800 College Dr
Sidney, MI