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How to Become a Phlebotomy Technician (& Job Description)

How to become a phlebotomy technician

The literal translation of the word ‘phlebotomy’ comes from the combination of two Greek words. Phlebo- which means ‘pertaining to a blood vessel,' and -tomia which means ‘cutting off.' Translated again, it simply means ‘making an incision into a vein with a needle.'

Phlebotomists are the medical professionals who draw blood. The procedure of phlebotomy removes blood from a patient by having a hollow needle inserted into a vein. Through this procedure, the phlebotomist takes samples of blood to perform medical tests, diagnoses, and analysis. Phlebotomy is also used as a treatment for some disorders such as Hepatitis B and C, which causes an overabundance of iron in the bloodstream.

Phlebotomist Job Description

ralph waldo emerson quote-article how to become a phlebotomy tech

As part of a medical team, it’s the phlebotomist's job to take blood from patients. These blood samples that the phlebotomist takes are usually sent to a medical lab to test for any health issues that may be present. While exact responsibilities will vary depending on your employer or industry, most phlebotomists will commonly perform the following:

  • Collect blood from patients
  • Accurately identify the patient and any samples to prevent lab mix-ups
  • Properly label vials with the patient’s name, date, and any other required information
  • Determine the best method to draw blood from the patient
  • Transport blood to the lab
  • If required, centrifuge the vial of blood
  • Stay organized, sanitize appropriately, and follow standard protocol
  • Some phlebotomists work strictly for companies that do blood drives such as the Red Cross

Becoming a Phlebotomist

There are a few requirements that need to be fulfilled before you can start working as a phlebotomist.

  • Get your high school diploma or GED
  • Be a minimum of 18 years old
  • Enroll and complete an accredited phlebotomy training program through a community college or trade school
  • Get licensed and certified to make yourself more desirable to employers. In some states it’s mandatory, in others it’s preferred
  • Get hired as a phlebotomist through a medical practice, hospital, clinic, or laboratory!

Find a phlebotomy program near you.

Phlebotomy Program Information

Exact requirements for phlebotomy students vary depending on state. Whichever program you choose to enroll in, be sure that it is accredited. School accreditation is important because most of the necessary licenses/certifications require for phlebotomists to have attended an accredited program.

In addition, phlebotomy programs are mainly science-based, with both hands-on work and classroom learning. Coursework will include anatomy and physiology, blood and cell composition, blood sampling procedures, lab safety, and medical terminology. The hands-on portion of education will involve basic techniques, butterfly and finger stick methods, heel stick and capillary puncture (which are used on newborns), CPR, and first aid.

    Full-time attendance at a trade school will take 3-4 months to complete while associate degree programs will take two years with full-time attendance. Associate degrees are not necessary, however they can open you up to better opportunities in the future.

    Getting Your Phlebotomy Certification

    How to become a phlebotomy technician with quote by Jim Rohn

    At the moment, only four states — California, Nevada, Washington, and Louisiana — require certification for anyone who handles blood, other than doctors or nurses. While certification is not required nationwide, most agree that certified phlebotomists have a competitive edge in the job market over those without certifications.

    There are a few different and highly-regarded entities phlebotomists receive certifications from:

    80 questions with 2 hours for completion

    Qualifications for Certification Eligibility

    • High school diploma or GED with completion of an approved/accredited phlebotomy program in the last 5 years
    • High school diploma/GED and completion of an approved/accredited two-part phlebotomy program that had 40 hours of classroom and 100 hours of clinical
      • Must have a minimum of 100 successful skin punctures/venipunctures
    • High school diploma plus a minimum of one-year lab work experience within five years of applying for certification
    • High school graduate, completion of RN, LPN, or other health profession education that included phlebotomy. 100 unsupervised, successful blood draws
    • High school diploma, completion of a program approved by California Department of Health within the past five years
    • Exam application fees: $135-$530

    The Certification Test Covers:

    • Procedures, policies, terminology
    • Choosing appropriate area to draw blood from
    • Deciding on best blood drawing method for patient
    • Handling blood
    • Prepping patients, samples, and equipment
    • Evaluation of patient

    ASCP Website

    Qualifications for Certification Eligibility

    • One year as a part-time phlebotomist
    • Six months as a full-time phlebotomist
    • A letter from a health care supervisor vouching for the regular blood draw; must become a member of ASPT written on faculty letterhead; OR needs the signature of supervisor/instructor on application stating that the above is all true.
    • Must have documented 100 successful venipunctures, 5 documented skin punctures, and be a current ASPT member
    • Exam application fee: $55 plus membership fee

    ASPT Website

    Qualifications for Certification Eligibility

    • One year of work experience and presently employed
    • Need a reference letter from employer which verifies length of employment
    • Attended phlebotomy training program that included venipuncture techniques, hands-on internship, 160 classroom credits, and 16 continuing education credits
    • Exam application fee: $130 needed 30 days before test date

    NPA Website

    Qualifications for Certification Eligibility

    • Completion of phlebotomy training program within the last five years
    • Performed 30 venipunctures
    • Performed 10 capillary sticks
    • Have a high school diploma or GED
    • Exam application fee: $105

    NHA Website

    Qualifications for Certification Eligibility

    • High school diploma or GED
    • Diploma or certificate from approved/accredited phlebotomy program with official transcript from the program

    How to Get Certified

    • Currently enrolled in a phlebotomy program from an NCCT authorized school or graduated from one within the last five years
    • Completed one year of verifiable employment as phlebotomist within the last five years
    • Completed Phlebotomy training in the United States military or equivalent while on active duty in the last five years
    • Exam application fee: $90-$195 (fees have not changed in 10 years)

    NCCT Website

    The 3 Categories of Phlebotomy

    There are three different categories of phlebotomists, and each has separate sets of educational requirements. Whether you’re in it for the short-term or the long-haul, you should be aware of what’s involved within each of the three different phlebotomy categories:

    Allows for skin puncture and blood withdrawal only

    • High school diploma or GED
    • Completed 20 hours of instruction from an accredited program
    • Proof of 25 supervised skin punctures from clinical training
    • Apply for Limited Phlebotomy Technician certification

    Maintaining Certification

    • Monthly supervisor review
    • Competency review annually
    • Continuing ed: 3 hours yearly or 6 hours every two years
    • Certification must be displayed in a visible place

    Allows for venipunctures and skin punctures only

    • High school diploma or GED
    • Completed 40 hours of instruction from an accredited and approved program
    • Completed 40 hours of practical hands-on instruction with proof of supervised 10 skin punctures and 50 venipunctures
    • Less than 1,040 hours of on-the-job experience, a letter of reference from an approved practitioner stating hours and experience — only requiring an additional 40 hours of instruction
    • More than 1,040 hours of experience would require a letter of reference from an approved practitioner stating hours — only requiring an additional 20 hours of instruction
    • Pass a written exam by an approved certifying organization
    • Apply for Phlebotomy Technician I certification

    Maintaining Certification

    • Monthly supervisor review
    • Competency review annually
    • Continuing ed: 3 hours per year or 6 hours every two years
    • Certification must be displayed in a visible place

    Permitted to perform arterial, venipunctures, and skin punctures

    • Have a current Phlebotomy Technician I certification with 1,040 hours in the past five years
    • Completed 20 arterial punctures with a confirmation letter
    • Apply for Phlebotomy Technician II certification

    Maintaining Certification

    • Annual competency review
    • Continuing education: 3 hours annually or six every two years
    • Certification must be displayed in a visible place

    Phlebotomy Program Cost

    Phlebotomy is considered one of the more affordable avenues of getting into medicine when compared to medical school. Of course, exact program costs vary by state, program (certificate or degree), and the school itself. Certificate programs can cost between $300-$800, whereas associate degree programs can run around $2,500-$3,000 per year. Students should also be aware of some extra expenses, including books, scrubs, equipment, and other tools, which can add an extra $500-$1,000 a year, as well.

    Phlebotomy Technician Salary

    The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that in 2023, the average salary for phlebotomists was $43,130. The top 10 percent made closer to $55,330 or more. Phlebotomists work full time, and some may have irregular hours if they work in hospitals or after-hour clinics.

    Top Paying States for Phlebotomy in 2023


    Average Salary





    New York




    Phlebotomist Job Outlook

    The Bureau of Labor Statistics expects that phlebotomists will see an increased demand of 8 percent between now and 2032. This increase is slightly faster than the national average. Demand for certified phlebotomist technicians will remain high because there will always be a need for blood to be drawn for a variety of medical reasons.