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Becoming an Acupuncturist: Acupuncture Career Information

How to become an acupuncturist-education, salary, and job outlook 2019

Chinese medicine has been around for far longer than traditional medicine. Throughout history, satisfied and healthy individuals have been shouting from the rooftops the benefits of acupuncture and Chinese medicine. If you have an interest in alternative medicine and are considering pursuing acupuncture, keep reading for more information.

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What is Acupuncture?

Ralph Waldo Emerson quote-Learn how to become an acupuncturist

If you’re thinking about becoming an acupuncturist, then you already know that it’s more than shoving tiny needles into the surface of your clients’ skin. More than skin deep, it has existed for centuries. In fact, there are so many conditions acupuncture can help treat, the World Health Organization keeps a detailed list. Acupuncture is the most commonly practiced aspect of Chinese medicine in existence today.

Acupuncture is used as a form of alternative medicine, and sometimes alongside traditional medicine, for stroke rehabilitation, chronic headaches and pains, lower back pain, pregnancy-related nausea, and for some chemotherapy-related side effects such as hot flashes and joint swelling. The core purpose is to control blood flow and balance the Qi (pronounced “chee”)

. A lot goes into acupuncture prior to the strategic placement of the needles. Using the four pillars of diagnosis — listening to patients, looking at their faces and how they move, feeling their pulses, and inspecting their tongues — all ties together to determine the proper needle placement, herbal remedy, or conversation needed.

Where Acupuncturists Work

Many professionals start their own practices. Or, they may find work in hospitals, chiropractic clinics, medical centers, and a physician’s private practice. Some may also work in wellness spas and similar environments. Acupuncture can be used for an array of treatment options.

Types of Acupuncture

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe quote-how to become an acupuncturist

Although it was invented in China, acupuncture spread throughout the world. All the forms are similar in theory, yet may be different in practice.

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine: TCM is the most common form of acupuncture studied and practiced throughout the West, and it’s what licensing exams are based on.
  • Japanese Acupuncture: Fewer and thinner needles are used in Japanese Acupuncture. The focus is on the Five Element Theory, which is that the body can be broken up into five elements: wood, fire, metal, earth, and water.
  • Korean Acupuncture: Korean Acupuncture is similar in theory to Japanese except it can use over 100 needles in one session.
  • Korean Hand Acupuncture: This practice, Korean Hand Acupuncture, involves working on the hand to treat the entire body.
  • Auricular Acupuncture: This system of acupuncture uses the ear to treat symptoms of addiction. It is also used to manage pain.
  • Medical Acupuncture: Commonly performed in the West, medical acupuncture uses electricity to block pain.
  • Veterinarian Acupuncture: Only licensed veterinarians can train and practice veterinarian acupuncture. This form of acupuncture is considered a surgical procedure for pets.

How to Become an Acupuncturist

To practice as an acupuncturist, you must have a master's degree in acupuncture, along with a state license (licenses vary depending on your state). A background in medicine, biology, psychology, or neurobiology are excellent foundations to have. Clinical internships are requisites, so you’ll need to have your Hep B, tuberculosis skin test, and be CPR certified.

The school you go to must be accredited by the Accreditation Commission For Acupuncture And Herbal Medicine. The full list of accredited schools and programs can be found on the Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine's website. It takes 3 years to complete acupuncture training, and 4 years for Herbal Medicine.

Common master's degrees falling under the umbrella of acupuncture are:

  • Master of Acupuncture
  • Master of Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Master of Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine

Medical doctors are also allowed to practice acupuncture. However, they must go through the required training and experience in order to become licensed.

What Acupuncture Training Includes

Acupuncture programs cover similar courses, aside from the expected needling techniques.

Courses you'll take in acupuncture include but are not limited to:

  • Nutrition
  • Asian Bodywork
  • Herbal Medicines
  • Pathology
  • Ethics
  • Acupuncture Points
  • Practice Management
  • Western Medicine

Related Medicine may include courses like:

  • Dietary Theory in Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Tui Na; a type of massage
  • Zang Fu Theory
  • Traditional Herbs and and Formulas

You’ll also learn:

  • Communication
  • Clinical skills
  • Cupping
  • Pulse and Tongue Diagnosis

    Acupuncturist Salary Information

    The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that in 2022, acupuncturists earned an average salary of $84,260, with the top 10 percent earning closer to $140,660 or more. If you are someone who is interested in pursuing holistic medicine and healing practices, a career in acupuncture may be a great one for you.

    Acupuncturist Job Information

    As an acupuncturist, the benefits you’re giving your patients are plentiful. You’ll be able to relieve pain with relaxing and effective techniques. Many patients who have little to no response to pain relievers find a lot of alleviation with acupuncture. Acupuncture also can be used with traditional medicine to progress healing and aid different treatments.

    People who have tried it, swear acupuncture has changed their lives for the better. And, acupuncturists everywhere are not surprised. Be a part of an incredible, emerging field. Become a certified acupuncturist today!