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U.S. Colleges

Montclair, CA

3 Programs

Available Programs

  • Clinical Medical Assistant
    Healthcare & Medical

    U.S College’s Clinical Medical Assistant Training Program is designed to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and hands-on training that they need to assist doctors in physician offices. Students are taught back-office medical assisting skills. The Clinical Medical Assistant Course places emphasis on back office skills, teaching students how to measure vital signs, input patient history, perform physical examinations, calculate and administer medical doses, lab procedures, EKGs, and emergency medical procedures.

    • Duration: 16 Weeks
    • 80-hour Externship in a clinic or medical office
    • Hands-on training and lab simulations
    • Morning, afternoon, evening, and weekend classes available

  • Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
    Healthcare & Medical

    U.S College’s Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Program is designed to provide students with the skills, knowledge, and hands-training they need to perform the duties of an entry-level Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). Upon completion of the Emergency Medical Technician Program, students will be eligible to take the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technician Exam for EMT Certification. This Program is designed for individuals who are seeking employment as entry-level EMTs (Emergency Medical Technicians) at hospitals, as ambulance drivers, or as ambulance attendants.

    • Duration: 9 Weeks
    • Morning, Afternoon, and Evening Classes Available
    • 24 Clinical Hours of Observation Emergency Room and/or Ambulance

  • Phlebotomy Technician
    Healthcare & Medical

    The Phlebotomy Technician Program provides students with the knowledge, skills, and hands-on training that they need to succeed in an entry-level career as a Phlebotomy Technician. Primarily, the Program will teach you how to draw blood and handle clinical specimens. The Program will also teach you how to care for patients and ease their anxiety during a blood draw. These are the most important skills covered by our Phlebotomy Technician Course.

    Furthermore, the Phlebotomy Technician Program trains students on how to work in clinical labs, hospitals, clinics, or physician offices. It provides instruction on skills, such as proper identification of patients, selection, and preparation of the skin puncture site, blood collection, and post-puncture care, just to name a few.

    • Duration: 16 weeks
    • Day, evening, and weekend classes available
    • Lecture and Lab Hours with Hands-On Training
    • 40 Hour Externship Opportunity to Practice Your Skills in a Clinical Setting

Campus Location

5478 Moreno St.

Montclair, CA 91763


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U.S. Colleges does not promise or guarantee employment to any student or graduate. Course length may vary. All programs not available at all campus locations.

Financial options available for those who qualify.

U.S. Colleges is an equal opportunity employer and program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities by calling 711 or 1-800-735-2922.

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