Get information from local Special & Gifted Education schools in Iowa

Special & Gifted Education Schools in or near Iowa

List of colleges with special education programs in Iowa. Find a school near you and get information about programs, Iowa campus locations, financial aid, and much more.

Read about the extraordinary careers in special education.

Buena Vista University

610 W 4th St
Storm Lake, IA

Dordt College

700 7th Street NE
Sioux Center, IA

Drake University

2507 University Avenue
Des Moines, IA

Graceland University

1 University Place
Lamoni, IA

James Madison University

Dubuque, IA

Loras College

1450 Alta Vista
Dubuque, IA

Morningside College

1501 Morningside Ave
Sioux City, IA

Mount Mercy University

1330 Elmhurst Dr NE
Cedar Rapids, IA

Saint Ambrose University

518 W Locust St
Davenport, IA

University of Iowa

101 Jessup Hall
Iowa City, IA

University of Northern Iowa

1227 W 27th St
Cedar Falls, IA

Upper Iowa University

605 Washington St
Fayette, IA