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Operations Management Programs in or near Providence, RI

Find a school near Providence, RI. with operations management programs in the classroom or online. Get the information you need about training for a career in management. Learn about Providence area school campus locations, financial aid, and more.

A degree in operations or business administration will prepare you for a managerial role across fields, whether you want to work for a large company or a small business.

Use the search or fill out the application to connect with a management program near Providence, RI.

More reading:

Bryant University

1150 Douglas Pike
Smithfield, RI

Roger Williams University

One Old Ferry Road
Bristol, RI

Connecticut State Colleges and Universities

742 Upper Maple St
Danielson, CT

University of Rhode Island

Green Hall
Kingston, RI

University of Massachusetts

285 Old Westport Rd
North Dartmouth, MA

Boston College

140 Commonwealth Avenue
Chestnut Hill, MA