Get information from local Nursing schools in Boca Raton, FL

Nursing Programs Near Boca Raton, FL.

Find a school near Boca Raton, FL., offering great registered nursing programs. Accelerated registered nursing programs can take anywhere from 16 to 24 months to complete. If you pursue a bachelor’s degree, your program can take up to 4 years. Your program should also prepare you to take the NCLEX exam. Classes you take likely will include nursing fundamentals, physiology, microbiology, pharmacology, and much more.

To find a school near Boca Raton, FL., fill out the search application and get connected today!

Learn more by reading our Nursing Careers Guide.

HCI College

1764 North Congress Ave
West Palm Beach, FL

NUC University Online Division

1250 Pines Blvd. Suite 100-A
Pembroke Pines, FL