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Medical Transcription Schools in or near Minnesota
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Saint Paul, MN
226 Park Avenue South
St. Cloud, MN
Saint Paul, MN
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities
Alexandria Technical & Community College
1601 Jefferson Streeet
Alexandria, MN-
905 Grant Avenue SE
Bemidji, MN Dakota County Technical College
1300 145th Street East
Rosemount, MN-
2101 Trinity Rd
Duluth, MN Minnesota State Community and Technical College
1414 College Way
Fergus Falls, MNNorthland Community and Technical College
1101 Hwy One East
Thief River Falls, MNRochester Community and Technical College
851 30th Ave SE
Rochester, MN-
235 Marshall Ave
Saint Paul, MN -
2101 15th Ave NW
Willmar, MN Minnesota State College-Southeast Technical
1250 Homer Rd
Winona, MN