Get information from local Law schools in Long Beach, CA
Law Schools in or near Long Beach, CA
Colleges and vocational schools with law programs in Long Beach. Find a school anywhere in Long Beach and get information about programs, locations, and much more.
Norwalk, CA
Norwalk, CA
13406 E Philadelphia Street
Whittier, CA
University of Southern California
University Park
Los Angeles, CA
One Lmu Drive
Los Angeles, CA
One University Dr.
Orange, CA
Alliant International University
1000 S Fremont Ave Bldg A7
Alhambra, CA
3050 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA
1950 Third St
La Verne, CA
24255 Pacific Coast Hwy
Malibu, CA
University of California-Irvine
501 Aldrich Hall
Irvine, CA -
University of California-Los Angeles
405 Hilgard Ave
Los Angeles, CA