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Human Services Degree Programs in or near New York - Find a School!

Are you in New York and passionate about making a positive impact? Check out schools offering on-campus or online programs in human services. Develop skills in case management, counseling, and community leadership to help others and create change. Find the program that aligns with your career goals today!

More Human Services schools in New York

Boricua College

3755 Broadway
New York, NY

Community College of Vermont

Corona, NY

Cornell University

300 Day Hall
Ithaca, NY

Elmira College

1 Park Place
Elmira, NY

Metropolitan College of New York

431 Canal St
New York, NY

Siena College

515 Loudon Rd
Loudonville, NY

Touro College

27-33 W 23rd St
New York, NY

State University of New York