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Find Dental Assistant Schools near Murrieta, CA

Search colleges near Murrieta, CA. with dental assistant certificate and degree programs. Connect with a school and get information about their dental assisting programs, Murrieta area campus locations, and financial aid assistance.

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More Dental Assisting schools in Murrieta, CA

California Community College System

16130 Lasselle St
Moreno Valley, CA

Palomar College

1140 W. Mission
San Marcos, CA

Riverside County Office of Education

9825 County Farm Road
Riverside, CA

North-West College

4550 La Sierra Avenue
Riverside, CA

Pima Medical Institute

​111 Campus Way
San Marcos, CA, CA

InterCoast College

1989 Atlanta Ave
Riverside, CA

Summit College

851 S. Cooley Dr
Colton, CA

Concorde Career College

201 East Airport Drive
San Bernardino, CA