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Find Dental Assistant Schools near Elizabeth, NJ

Search colleges near Elizabeth, NJ. with dental assistant certificate and degree programs. Connect with a school and get information about their dental assisting programs, Elizabeth area campus locations, and financial aid assistance.

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More Dental Assisting schools in Elizabeth, NJ

Essex County College

303 University Ave
Newark, NJ

City University of New York

300 Jay St
Brooklyn, NY

New York University

70 Washington Sq South
New York, NY

Mandl School

254 W 54th St
New York, NY

New York School for Medical and Dental Assistants

33-10 Queens Blvd
Long Island City, NY

Central Career Institute LLC

126 Corporate Blvd
South Plainfield, NJ

Rutgers University

83 Somerset St
New Brunswick, NJ

Brookdale Community College

765 Newman Springs Rd
Lincroft, NJ

ACI Medical and Dental School

2 Meridian Rd.
Eatontown, NJ

Raritan Valley Community College

118 Lamington Road
Branchburg, NJ

American Institute