Get information from local Business Administration schools in Wichita, KS

Business Administration Schools in or near Wichita, KS

Find a school near Wichita with business administration degree programs in the classroom or online. Get the information you need about business administration programs, Wichita area campus locations, financial aid, and more.

A degree in business administration will prepare you for a managerial role within a company, whether it's a corporation or a small business. Learn about the courses in a business administration program.

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Friends University

2100 W. University Ave.
Wichita, KS

Newman University

3100 McCormick Ave
Wichita, KS

Kansas State University System

1845 N. Fairmount
Wichita, KS

Wichita Area Technical College

4004 N Webb Rd. Bldg 100
Wichita, KS

Bethel College

300 E 27th St
North Newton, KS

Hesston College

301 South Main
Hesston, KS

Butler Community College

901 S Haverhill Rd
El Dorado, KS

Southwestern College

100 College Street
Winfield, KS