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Athletic Trainer: How to Make Your Passion Your Career

How to become an athletic trainer


Vince Lombardi quote-Become an athletic trainer

Athletic training is a comprehensive allied healthcare profession that covers the prevention, examination, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of chronic and acute injuries, as well as certain medical conditions. Athletic training has been recognized as a healthcare career since 1991 by the American Medical Association (AMA).

The five listed domains of athletic training are:

  • Injury/illness prevention and wellness promotion
  • Clinical evaluation and diagnosis
  • Immediate and emergency care
  • Treatment and rehabilitation
  • Organization and professional health and well-being


Athletic trainers specialize in the prevention and treatment of bone and muscle related injuries and diseases. These injuries and diseases are usually brought on by any form of physical activity and/or sports. Athletic trainers differ from physical therapists in the sense that they focus on injury prevention and treatment, while physical therapists focus more specifically on long-term recovery and rehabilitation of injuries.

The responsibilities of athletic trainers include:

  • Tape, bandage, and brace application to injuries
  • Injury recognition and evaluation
  • First aid and emergency care
  • Develop rehab plans for patients
  • Fulfill patient treatment plans
  • Create and implement preventative programs for sports teams
  • Keep detailed patient records and reports
  • Educate and inform public about safety measures to take to prevent injuries
  • Meet and collaborate with medical teams


Tommy Lasorda quote-How to start a career as an athletic trainer

Athletic trainers need more than just degrees and certifications to ensure success in their chosen career. If you possess some of the following soft skills, you may make a great athletic trainer.

  • Interpersonal skills: One of the essential qualities of a great athletic trainer is the ability to get along with everybody, from the patient to the medical team. They know how to listen without interrupting and are effective communicators. Not only can a positive rapport make for more pleasant conversation overall, but it also opens the door for clear communication with patients.
  • Decisive: Often, athletic trainers will be the first to examine a patient and his of her injury. You must be confident in your knowledge and skills and able to accurately provide assessments.
  • Empathetic: Working as an athletic trainer, your patients, their pain, conditions, and abilities will differ. Maintaining an open and empathetic approach in your work will be a crucial skill to have on the job.
  • Detail-oriented: To make sure the patient is progressing positively, athletic trainers must document every notable detail. They also need to pay attention to ensure they are using the right treatment method, or if they need to adjust accordingly.


To work as an athletic trainer, you must have at least a Bachelor's Degree from an institution accredited by The Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE). Graduating from a non-accredited program could prevent you from being eligible for certification, which could negatively impact your ability to find work.

  • A Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training will include course subjects such as the science of human movement, first aid and emergency care, anatomy and physiology, and injury and illness prevention. The hands-on clinical portion will usually be supervised by a highly experienced athletic trainer. It takes 4 years to complete a bachelor’s degree if you attend college full time.
  • A Master’s of Science in Athletic Training has two different programs. For those who didn’t receive a Bachelor’s of Science in Athletic Training which would be more of an entry-level program. The other is the advanced masters for those who received the BA in Athletic Training and have the Athletic Training Certificate (ATC). Classes in this program will include higher level courses, athletic training administration, therapeutic exercise, and educational research statistics. Generally speaking, after you receive a bachelor's degree, your master's should take 2 years to complete.


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There are quite a few scholarships available to students pursuing a bachelor’s or master’s degree for athletic training specifically:

  • Jack Cramer Scholarship application is due in December of each year. This scholarship is awarded to a high school senior who is planning on pursuing a Bachelor’s of Science in Athletic Training.
  • Tylenol Future Care Scholarships has been giving scholarships to students heading into healthcare professions. Makes sense that the makers of pain relief is helping those whose dream is to relieve the pain of others. They’ve given over 8 million dollars since they started the scholarship over 20 years ago.


The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the average salary for athletic trainers was $61,540 in 2023, with the top 10 percent making $80,640 or more. Most athletic trainers work full-time positions. Athletic trainers working with sports teams may have irregular hours and may need to travel often.

Top Paying States in 2023


Annual Salary

New Jersey






New York



The Bureau of Labor Statistics also reports that the demand for athletic trainers is expected to increase 14 percent by 2032, which is much faster than the national average for all occupations. Due to all the research being conducted on the effects of concussions, more athletic trainers are being employed at sports sites, public schools, and anywhere sports teams compete.

Athletic trainers who have a degree from an accredited school, along with the proper certifications from the Board of Certification for Athletic Trainers will be more likely to find employment.