Get information from local Welding schools in Coral Gables, FL

Welding Trade Schools in or near Coral Gables, FL

Find Coral Gables, FL. area technical colleges and trade schools with certificate or degree welding technology programs. Take a trade school welding course and learn about modern welding techniques, standards, and equipment.

Fill out the welding program search to find a Coral Gables area college and begin training for one of the highest paying skilled trade careers. All listed partner schools have financial aid for qualifying students.

Read more about welding:

Miami Dade College

300 NE 2nd Avenue
Miami, FL

Miami Lakes Educational Center

5780 NW 158th St
Miami Lakes, FL

Robert Morgan Educational Center

18180 SW 122nd Ave
Miami, FL

William T McFatter Technical College

6500 Nova Drive
Davie, FL

Atlantic Technical College

4700 Coconut Creek Parkway
Coconut Creek, FL