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Veterinary Assistant Schools in or near Tennessee

Find colleges with veterinary assistant training programs in Tennessee. Learn about local schools and get information about their vet assistant programs, Tennessee college campus locations, financial aid, and more. Use the program search application to connect with an excellent veterinary assistant program at a school near you.

Read: What Does A Veterinary Assistant Do?

Ashworth College

Antioch, TN

Chattanooga State Community College

4501 Amnicola Hwy
Chattanooga, TN

Columbia State Community College

1665 Hampshire Pike
Columbia, TN

Iowa State University

Antioch, TN

Lincoln Memorial University

6965 Cumberland Gap Pkwy
Harrogate, TN

Maryville College

502 E Lamar Alexander Pky
Maryville, TN

Tennessee College of Applied Technology

550 Alabama Ave
Memphis, TN

U.S. Career Institute

Antioch, TN

Volunteer State Community College

1480 Nashville Pike
Gallatin, TN