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Veterinary Assistant Schools in or near Oklahoma

Find colleges with veterinary assistant training programs in Oklahoma. Learn about local schools and get information about their vet assistant programs, Oklahoma college campus locations, financial aid, and more. Use the program search application to connect with an excellent veterinary assistant program at a school near you.

Read: What Does A Veterinary Assistant Do?

Ashworth College

Broken Arrow, OK

Community Care College

4242 South Sheridan
Tulsa, OK

High Plains Technology Center

3921 34th St
Woodward, OK

Iowa State University

Broken Arrow, OK

Murray State College

One Murray Campus
Tishomingo, OK

Oklahoma City University

2501 N Blackwelder
Oklahoma City, OK

Tulsa Community College

6111 E Skelly Dr
Tulsa, OK

U.S. Career Institute

Broken Arrow, OK

Wes Watkins Technology Center

7892 Highway 9
Wetumka, OK