Get information from local Teacher Education schools in Orlando, FL

Teacher Education Schools in or near Orlando, FL

List of colleges with teaching programs near Orlando. Find a school near you and get information about programs, Orlando area campus locations, financial aid, and much more. Learn about what it takes to become a teacher, and what to expect once you're there here: Become a Teacher

Rollins College

1000 Holt Avenue
Winter Park, FL

University of Phoenix

8325 S Park Circle
Orlando, FL

University of Central Florida

4000 Central Florida Blvd
Orlando, FL

Seminole State College of Florida

100 Weldon Blvd
Sanford, FL

Lake-Sumter State College

9501 US Hwy 441
Leesburg, FL

Stetson University

421 N Woodland Blvd
DeLand, FL

Ridge Career Center

7700 State Rd 544
Winter Haven, FL

Eastern Florida State College

1519 Clearlake Rd
Cocoa, FL