Get information from local Pre-Nursing schools in New Mexico
Pre-Nursing Schools in or near New Mexico
List of colleges with pre-nursing degree programs in New Mexico. Find a school near you and get information about pre-nursing programs, New Mexico college campus locations, financial aid, and much more.
Pre-nursing is the first two years of a bachelor's degree track where you'll be taking mostly general ed classes with an emphasis on math and sciences. Some programs have an application process, and you have to be accepted into it.
Use the program search application to find an excellent pre-nursing program at a school in New Mexico.
336 Luna Drive
Las Vegas, NM
911 S Tenth Street
Tucumcari, NM
Lower Point Road
Crownpoint, NM
2400 North Scenic Drive
Alamogordo, NM
Albuquerque, NM
6610 North Lovington Hwy
Hobbs, NM
1500 S Ave K
Portales, NM -
709 Mechem Dr
Ruidoso, NM