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NP - Nursing Practice Schools in or near Pennsylvania

List of colleges with NP programs in Pennsylvania. Find a school near you and get information about nurse practitioner programs, Pennsylvania college campus locations, financial aid, and more. Use the program search application to find an excellent NP nursing program at a school near you.

Read: Nursing Careers

Carlow University

3333 Fifth Ave
Pittsburgh, PA

DeSales University

2755 Station Avenue
Center Valley, PA

Duquesne University

Administration Bldg 600 Forbes Ave
Pittsburgh, PA

Eastern University

1300 Eagle Rd
Saint Davids, PA

Gannon University

109 W Sixth St
Erie, PA

La Salle University

1900 W Olney Ave
Philadelphia, PA

Misericordia University

301 Lake St
Dallas, PA

Thomas Jefferson University

1020 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA

Villanova University

800 Lancaster Avenue
Villanova, PA

Waynesburg University

51 W College St
Waynesburg, PA

Widener University

One University Place
Chester, PA

Wilkes University

84 West South Street
Wilkes-Barre, PA

York College Pennsylvania

441 Country Club Rd
York, PA