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Nail Tech Schools in or near Iowa
Find cosmetology schools and beauty colleges in Iowa with nail care technician programs. Connect with an excellent cosmetology college and get information about nail care technician programs, Iowa campus locations, financial aid, and more.
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La James College of Hairstyling and Cosmetology
24 Second St NE
Mason City, IA
309 Kitty Hawk Dr.
Ames, IA
The Salon Professional Academy
1550 South 1st Avenue
Iowa City, IA
2945 Williams Parkway S.W.
Cedar Rapids, IA -
2540 E. 53rd Street
Davenport, IA -
395 Main St
Dubuque, IA
Iowa School of Beauty-Des Moines
3305 70th St
Des Moines, IAIowa School of Beauty-Marshalltown
112 Nicholas Dr
Marshalltown, IA-
609 W Second St
Ottumwa, IA Iowa School of Beauty-Sioux City
3320 Line Drive
Sioux City, IA
La James International College
La James International College-Cedar Falls
6322 University Ave
Cedar Falls, IALa James International College-Davenport
5205 North Brady Street
Davenport, IALa James International College-Ft Dodge
2419 5th Avenue South
Fort Dodge, IALa James International College-Iowa City
227 E Market-Brewery Sq
Iowa City, IALa James International College-Johnston
8805 Chambery Blvd
Johnston, IA