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LPN Schools in or near Minnesota
List of colleges with licensed practical nursing programs in Minnesota. Find a school near you and get information about LPN programs, Minnesota college campus locations, financial aid, and more. Use the program search application to find an excellent LPN program at a school near you.
Read: What does an LPN do?
The College of Saint Scholastica
1200 Kenwood Ave
Duluth, MN
226 Park Avenue South
St. Cloud, MN
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities
Alexandria Technical & Community College
1601 Jefferson Streeet
Alexandria, MN-
1355 Highway 10 West
Anoka, MN Central Lakes College-Brainerd
501 West College Drive
Brainerd, MNDakota County Technical College
1300 145th Street East
Rosemount, MNFond du Lac Tribal and Community College
2101 14th St
Cloquet, MN-
9000 Brooklyn Blvd
Brooklyn Park, MN -
1851 Hwy 169 East
Grand Rapids, MN -
2101 Trinity Rd
Duluth, MN -
1001 Chestnut Street West
Virginia, MN Minneapolis Community and Technical College
1501 Hennepin Ave
Minneapolis, MNMinnesota State College-Southeast Technical
1250 Homer Rd
Winona, MNMinnesota State Community and Technical College
1414 College Way
Fergus Falls, MNMinnesota West Community and Technical College
1593 11th Ave
Granite Falls, MNNorthland Community and Technical College
1101 Hwy One East
Thief River Falls, MN-
905 Grant Avenue SE
Bemidji, MN Pine Technical & Community College
900 4th St SE
Pine City, MN-
1501 Hwy 71
International Falls, MN -
2101 15th Ave NW
Willmar, MN -
1900 8th Ave NW
Austin, MN Rochester Community and Technical College
851 30th Ave SE
Rochester, MN-
235 Marshall Ave
Saint Paul, MN -
1920 Lee Blvd
North Mankato, MN St Cloud Technical and Community College
1540 Northway Drive
Saint Cloud, MN-
175 West Mark Street
Winona, MN