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Fortis School of Nursing At All-State Career School

Essington, PA

1 Program

Available Program

  • Practical Nursing
    Healthcare & Nursing

    A Practical Nurse (PN) does a large share of the direct patient care in health facilities, providing for the emotional and physical comfort and safety of patients. Working under the supervision of doctors and RNs, PNs assist with the planning and implementation of care, and they report on changes in patients’ conditions.

    With our population living longer and needing more care, the nursing field is one of the best ways to pursue a career and it will likely stay that way for many years to come.

    At the Fortis School of Nursing at All State Career School, the program is designed to prepare students to join the nursing profession as entry-level practical nurses. The program includes classroom studies, practice in laboratory settings and hands-on clinical experience in the field.

    Nursing is a dynamic profession and many practical nurses, in fact, continue their career path and become registered nurses. Upon completion of the program, graduates will be prepared to take the practical nursing licensure examination to become designated as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN).

    The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports job prospects for LPNs should be favorable and projects job growth to be faster than the average for all occupations over the next 10 years.

Campus Location

50 W. Powhattan Avenue

Essington, PA 19029


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