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Dental Assisting Institute
1 Campus
Dental Assistant Institute puts students in a rewarding career in just 13 short weeks, where you’ll get 81 hours of lecture and laboratory and a 50-hour externship with a practicing dentist. Dental Assistant Institute's priority is to deliver the best Dental Assistant Training available in the state. Classes are small and students are taught in a friendly, hands-on environment that includes real chairside experience.
What They Offer
- Small Classes
- 13-Week Program
- Evening Classes (4 Hours A Week)
- 81 Hours of Lecture and Lab
- 50-Hour Externship in a Dental Practice
- 131 Total Program Hours
- Preparation for State Certification
- State-Of-The-Art Facility
- Can be used to build up to other dental careers
- Front office training knowledge
Campus Location
Orlando, FL
7932 W Sand Lake Rd STE 302
Orlando, FL 32819
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