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Trade Schools and Colleges Near Felton, MN

Connect with the best trade schools and online technical colleges near Felton, MN. Explore a range of certificate classes, diploma, and degree programs, many of which can be completed within one month to one year.

Excellent programs abound, and most Felton area schools offer financial aid assistance plus evening and weekend class options.

Discover a school near Felton, MN. by using the search application.

Minnesota State Colleges and Universities

1104 Seventh Avenue South
Moorhead, MN

North Dakota University System

1301 12th Avenue North
Fargo, ND

Concordia College

901 S 8th St
Moorhead, MN

Josef's School of Hair Design Inc

627 NP Avenue
Fargo, ND

Moler Barber College

16 S Eighth St
Fargo, ND

Lynnes Welding Training

2717 3rd Ave N
Fargo, ND

Abraham Lincoln University

Fargo, ND

Rasmussen College

4012 19th Avenue SW
Fargo, ND

Ashworth College

Fargo, ND

The Salon Professional Academy

4377 15th Ave South
Fargo, ND