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Austin Coding Academy

Austin, TX

1 Program

Available Program

  • Full Stack Software Development (Part-time)
    Computers & Technology

    In the Classroom

    Held at St. Edwards University and led by instructors who work as professional software developers, classes focus on in-depth, practical projects that prepare you for success in your new career. Part-time, evening classes work around your schedule so you can begin your career transition while continuing to support yourself.

    Outside of Class

    Students are expected to utilize their e-textbook, unlimited tutoring, and organized group study sessions to practice course material outside of class – part of the flipped classroom approach. By studying outside of class, students can use class time to build their projects and get feedback from their instructor.

    Austin Coding Academy’s Full Stack software Development Track is designed to take students from no experience to job ready in under a year. After graduating, students continue to receive support in finding their first job from the Job Placement Course, Director of Job Placement, and various hiring partners.